Free shipping available on all orders!

Shipping & Returns Policy

  1. We offer free shipping within India. However, it can differ according to the number of items purchased.
  2. We do not offer cancellations. We take about 10-15 days to prepare the orders depending upon the waitlist. This timeline is not applicable for customisations.
  3. Orders are delivered within 5 to 6 working days after preparation. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the product details.
  4. Delivery of all orders will be duly done to the address as mentioned by you at the time of placing the order. In case of modifications, kindly drop us a mail at within 2 hours of placing the order.
  5. We take no responsibility for the delay in delivery or damage caused by the delivery partner.
  6. For international shipping, please connect with us.
  7. We don’t offer returns as all these products are handmade and made to order. If you receive a damaged/incorrect order, do contact us within 48 hours of receiving the order, by emailing us at with your Order ID, and an image/video of the defect/item.